Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Fifth Edition

Lawrence Impey, Tim Child

Multiple Choice Questions

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Chapter 16, Question 1.

1. Which of the following are true regarding estimation/calculation of gestational age?

A A woman's ‘gestation’ is 2 more weeks than the time period since conception.

B In the UK, non-IVF pregnancies are dated by ultrasound at the 11–13+6 week scan irrespective of the LMP.

C If the cycle is <28 days the pregnancy is likely to be further on than suggested by the LMP.

D Measurement of crown–rump length between 11 and 13+6 weeks: if there is >1 week difference between LMP and scan, EDD estimated by LMP is used.

E Biparietal diameter or femur length is best used to date between 14 and 20 weeks if there is no early scan and the LMP is unknown.

F None of the above.