Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Fifth Edition

Lawrence Impey, Tim Child

Multiple Choice Questions

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Chapter 9, Question 1.

1. Endometriosis is the presence and growth of tissue similar to endometrium outside the uterus. From the following identify which statements are true.

A Endometriotic lesions occur in 1–20% of all women, the majority of which present symptomatically and are diagnosed with the condition.

B As well as occurring throughout the pelvis, the umbilicus, abdominal wound scars, the vagina, bladder, rectum and lungs may be involved.

C Endometriosis in the pelvis is probably a result of retrograde menstruation.

D More distant foci may result from mechanical, lymphatic or blood-borne spread.

E Retrograde menstruation is uncommon and when it occurs is always associated with endometriosis.

F None of the above.