Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Fifth Edition

Lawrence Impey, Tim Child

Extended Matching Questions (EMQs)

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Chapter 27

1. Choose from the list the single most appropriate management option. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Possible Answers

A Bed restE External cephalic version
B AmniocentesisF Doppler ultrasound of the umbilical artery
C Delivery by caesarean sectionG Laser ablation of placental anastomoses
D Selective termination of pregnancyH Induction of labour

For each of the questions below, select the answer which is most appropriate. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.

a.) One twin of a monochorionic twin pregnancy has severe IUGR at 34 weeks.

b.) A woman with a dichorionic twin pregnancy at 22 weeks ruptures her membranes and has a high fever, tender uterus and a tachycardia.

c.) A woman with an MCDA twin pregnancy at 18 weeks complains of abdominal distension. Ultrasound shows polyhydramnios and cardiac failure of one of the twins.

d.) A woman at 37 weeks with a dichorionic twin pregnancy has both babies presenting as breeches.

e.) A woman who has been taking clomiphene is found to have octuplets at her 13-week scan.