Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Fifth Edition

Lawrence Impey, Tim Child

Extended Matching Questions (EMQs)

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Chapter 19

1. Choose from the list the most likely pathogen that could cause the symptoms or signs described. Each option may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Possible Answers

A CytomegalovirusG Listeriosis
B Group B streptococcusH Malaria
C Hepatitis BI Parvovirus
D Herpes simplexJ Rubella
E Herpes zosterK Syphilis
F HIVL Toxoplasmosis

For each of the questions below, select the answer which is most appropriate. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.

a.) A growth scan is performed at 32 weeks. This identifies a small baby with evidence of intracranial and hepatic calcification. The patient reports no history of symptomatic illness to date.

b.) A woman develops a mild febrile illness with a macular rash at 9 weeks of pregnancy. After serology is performed, she is offered, and accepts, a termination of pregnancy.

c.) A woman at 27 weeks pregnant complains of reduced fetal movements and on ultrasound the fetus is hydropic. Her child had erythema of the cheeks recently.

d.) A late booker from sub-Saharan Africa presents with severe anaemia and a baby below the 3rd centile for growth.

e.) A French woman presents with a non-specific, febrile illness. On ultrasound, her fetus has cerebral ventriculomegaly.

f.) A neonate, born at 35 weeks after prolonged premature rupture of membranes (PROM), is affected by sepsis.

g.) An HIV-positive pregnant woman presents with viral pneumonia after spending time with her friend who has a vesicular rash in a dermatomal distribution.