Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Fifth Edition

Lawrence Impey, Tim Child

Extended Matching Questions (EMQs)

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Chapter 3

1. Identify the correct stage of endometrial carcinoma according to the following descriptions.

Possible Answers

A Stage 1aG Stage 3a
B Stage 1bH Stage 3b
C Stage 1cI Stage 3c
D Stage 1dJ Stage 4a
E Stage 2aK Stage 4b
F Stage 2bL Stage 5

For each of the questions below, select the answer which is most appropriate. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.

a.) Tumour invades serosa and/or adenexae and/or positive cytology.

b.) Tumour invades the uterus and the cervical stroma.

c.) The deepest invasion of uterine tissue is <½ of the myometrial thickness. No other organs are involved.

d.) A CXR reveals pulmonary metastases.

e.) The endometrium and endocervical glands are involved.

f.) Pelvic node sampling at the time of TAH + BSO reveals involvement of the para-aortic nodes.

g.) Ovarian metastases, cytology of abdominal washings at surgery is negative.